I said it before. I believe our biggest problem in society today is a lack of respect for human life. We see it in the way we treat other people, in the fracturing of the family unit, and certainly in the cavalier way we end the lives of babies in the womb. Now we have an election taking place where we have two choices for President of the United States. On one side, we have an aging career politician who leads a party that dances with the devil when it comes to respecting the lives of pre-born children. On the other side we have an aging egotistical prattler representing a party that still shows some semblance of respect for God, family and country.
Looking at party platforms, there is no question where my allegiance lies. What makes this so difficult is the fact that President Trump is so unlikable as a human being that even many God-fearing Christians refuse to vote for him. Using one of Trump’s favorite words, I thought the first debate was a disaster. These two candidates behaved like children who needed a timeout. In a nation of over three hundred million people, is this the best we can do? A president should be able to display some level of dignity and decorum.
In trying to express myself as an independent thinker, I once said that I vote for the candidate and not for the party. In this election, I will be voting for the party and not for the candidate. My biggest concern is that evil will gain an even stronger foothold in our country because Christians who cannot stomach Donald Trump will give power to a party that is anti-Christian. I see people in our own Catholic parish trying to justify their Biden vote by saying there are other issues besides abortion. They try to make prudential judgment issues take precedent over intrinsic evils.
I don’t agree with everything the president does, and certainly not with everything he says. I wish we didn’t have to build walls at our borders. I wish we could welcome more immigrants who are looking for a better life. I don’t want to see families divided and children suffering. I don’t like name-calling and childish behavior. I wish we had better jobs and more affordable healthcare, but the best way to reach these goals is a matter of judgment.
I pray that Amy Coney Barret is confirmed to the Supreme Court before the election so we at least have a justice who respects the constitution and will not try to legislate from the bench. if Trump blows the election with his acerbic personality and the democrats select the next justice, I fear the end of our nation may be near. That may sound like an overstatement, but we are slowly being indoctrinated to accept the unacceptable. This is about choosing good over evil.
Now to complicate matters even more, the President and several Republican senators have contracted the Corona virus. With the election less than a month away, additional uncertainty enters the picture. Will there be enough votes present to confirm the new Supreme Court justice before the election? Will the President still be alive in November? Would Mike Pence be more electable than Donald Trump? We face so much uncertainty. Stay tuned and keep praying for our country.