Monday, November 09, 2020

Biden time again


Come January, looks like we will have a new president.  I admit I was surprised by the outcome.  I really thought Donald Trump would win another term, and I think he would have if he weren’t so obnoxious.  He has alienated so many people with his childish behavior that any accomplishments are compromised by his nasty personality.  Biden won not for his own merits, but rather by anti-Trump votes. 


People may think it an overreaction to say this election was about good versus evil, especially when the good side was led by a despised Donald Trump and the evil side by a baptized Catholic Joe Biden.  For me, the abortion issue is the paramount litmus test for determining who glorifies God, and who dances with the devil.  It is difficult to watch some of my Catholic friends celebrating the Biden victory along with Planned Parenthood on social media. 


 I am deeply concerned about what will happen to our religious liberty over the next four years.  The pending Senate runoffs take on huge importance for determining control of the Senate.  If the Republicans can maintain a majority, some of the liberal agenda may be held in check. 


As Catholics, we need to focus our prayers on Joe Biden that he may learn to live his Catholic faith to the fullest, not only for the sake of the nation, but more importantly, for the salvation of his soul.  He will be the oldest serving president in the history of our country.  He may not live long enough to serve his full term.  The job is stressful and he is at an age where he should be taking it easy.  Kamala Harris could very possibly find herself sitting in the oval office one day.  This new administration is sure to be tested, as are we who stand firm in our Catholic faith.