Saturday, July 14, 2018

Lean Right

The deep polarization of our country is unsettling to say the least.   Here in northwest Indiana, we are inundated with political ads for the Illinois governors race.  Whoever writes those television spots must think the voters have sub-zero IQs.  Both Democrats and Republicans insult our intelligence with inane characterizations of their opponents, trying to make them look as ridiculous as possible.  Do they realize the middle school demographic they appear to target cannot yet vote?

I can imagine how the Catholic faith will be disparaged during the upcoming Supreme Court confirmation hearings.  Brett Kavanaugh’s orthodoxy will be scrutinized by the Democrats for fear that he actually follows Catholic teaching.  Front and center will be Roe v. Wade with the left concerned that a right leaning court will eventually overturn legal abortion.  The same people who are outraged about children being separated from their parents at the Mexican border have no qualms about an unborn baby being violently separated from its mother.

Before any nominee was even announced, the protesters were gearing up for a fight.  Think about what our society has come to.  The President nominates a good honest family man who respects life, and promises to interpret the Constitution as it was written.  People on the left attack him viciously because he likely opposes destroying the life of unborn babies. 
If I were being questioned in a pejorative way about my Catholic faith, I would say, “Senator, with all due respect, if your judgement were not so corrupted by evil, you would view my Catholic faith as a blessing, not a liability.”  Of course, I wouldn’t stand a chance of being confirmed after that!

Generations from now, historians looking back at this period will view abortion the same way we now view human sacrifice that took place centuries ago.  They will wonder how a civilized society ever permitted unborn children to be dismembered in the mother’s womb.  At least, I pray this will be the case. Otherwise, a continuation down the path we are on does not bode well for the future of humanity.

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