Thursday, February 13, 2020

That’s just the way it is

An acquaintance recently posted the following on his social media:

I am not mad at you that Clinton lost.  I am unconcerned that we have different politics.  And I don’t think less of you because you vote one way and I vote another.  No … I think less of you because you watched an adult mock a disabled person in front of a crowd and still supported him.  I think less of you because you saw a man spouting clear racism and backed him.  I think less of you because you listened to him advocate for war crimes, and still thought he should run this country.  I think less of you because you watched him equate a woman’s worth to her appearance and got on board.  It isn’t you politics that I find repulsive.  It is your personal willingness to support racism, sexism, and cruelty.  You sided with a bully when it mattered and that is something I will never forget.  So, no… you and I won’t be “coming together” to move forward or whatever.  Trump disgusts me, but it is the back that he doesn’t disgust you that will stick with me long after this election.

I selected this particular message because it typifies the hate directed at our current president.  People on the left disparage anyone who supports Donald Trump.  What they do not understand is that we are supporting his Republican platform and not necessarily the person himself. 

Suppose all the accusations stated above are true.  They aren’t of course, but suppose they are.  The author says, “It isn’t your politics that I find repulsive.” The problem is that those of us on the right do find your politics repulsive.  When you support killing unborn babies, same-sex unions, taking guns away from law-abiding citizens, and sanctuary cities for illegals, we find that repulsive. 

So, for us, it is just the opposite.  We don’t dislike you personally.  We dislike your politics.  You see, it’s not about the man.  I personally believe Donald Trump is an aloof, sometimes obnoxious man who says divisive things on social media.  I also think he is a pretty good president who supports many of my beliefs and dishes out some tough love upon occasion.  That doesn’t always go over too big with some, but he seems to enjoy ticking people off.  Whether he can get away with it and still get reelected remains to be seen, but he will get my vote because the alternative would be a disaster.