Thursday, March 14, 2024

Choosing right


Come November, it looks like we will be choosing between a doddering old man and an immature egotistical narcissist.  In a population of some 332 million people, is this the best we can do?  Surely there are American men and women better suited to lead our nation in the twenty-first century.  


I place great emphasis on choosing candidates who are pro-life.  If a person thinks it is okay to dismember defenseless babies in the womb, how can they be trusted to care for those of us outside the womb?  Showing such disregard for even the most basic human life forms says so much about a person’s moral character, or lack of it.  That being said, the egotistical narcissist is the only viable choice between the two even though I question the strength of his moral backbone.   


The Alabama Supreme Court recently ruled that frozen embryos qualify as children under state law and are subject to legislation dealing with the wrongful death of a minor.  Therein lies the problem with in vitro fertilization.  Seems like there are always multiple embryos collected and frozen.  What happens to the ones that are not used?  That is one reason the Church forbids IVF.  It also separates the unitive action from the procreative action of the marital embrace.  


The Alabama Republican House and Senate almost immediately passed a bill to protect providers and patients from prosecution for damage to frozen embryos.  So, the court says embryos are children, but the legislature says there is no penalty for destroying them.  The logical solution is to say they cannot be created in the first place, but that probably won’t happen. Once again, the Catholic Church in her infinite wisdom had it right from the beginning. 


Now, I thought the people on the left would be happy about protecting those who damage frozen embryos. Not so fast.  A personal injury lawyer from Minneapolis who has represented IVF clients who lost frozen embryos due to faulty equipment is concerned he will not be able to collect damages for his clients.  It seems the only losers in this whole situation are the frozen embryos themselves even though they qualify as children under Alabama state law.  Apparently, it is okay to kill them, just not by accident.  


Here in Indiana, the legalization of cannabis is a topic of conversation among candidates in the upcoming election.   Personally, I have no objection to cannabis for medicinal purposes if it proves beneficial to people who are suffering.  For such individuals, I believe it should be prescribed by a doctor and dispensed at a pharmacy like any other drug. 


I am against recreational cannabis.  Why do we need to go there?  What good can possibly come from it aside from a source of revenue?  Why do we need more ways to numb our brains?So many vices that were taboo just a few years ago are now flourishing in the mainstream. From drugs to gambling to artificial intelligence, we continue to look for ways to escape reality.  Will we eventually consider legalizing recreational meth or cocaine?  Stay tuned.




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